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Is Baseload Overrated?

Electricity generation from wind and sun is often criticized as somehow being unreliable. There is even an insult for this in the German political vocabulary: "Flatterstrom!" This is often put in contrast with the presumed reliability and stability of good old baseload power plants like coal or nuclear. These tend to produce largely the same amount  of electricity day in day out - as long as they don't have to be shut down for maintainance or due to adverse weather conditions .  Given that electricity demand is variable, how useful is constant production when the goal is for production to match load at all times? And how much worse would "Flatterstrom" be in comparison? Using again the thought experiment from this previous post , we consider the current hourly load over a year for Europe's two largest electricity markets, France and Germany. Then we assume two generation profiles which in total matches exactly the total yearly:  a fixed, constant production
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Long-distance Interconnects and their Contribution to Grid Balance

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Energy Storage and Flexible Demand - Two Sides of the Same Coin

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Linear Programming with Energy Data

In the previous post , we made some back of the envelope estimation of what an optimal solar, wind & storage based power grid could look like. For the analysis we were using a standard linear programming model using open-data from the ENTSO-E transparency platform as well as a Python based linear programming (LP) framework. For the LP framework we chose PuLP for its beginner friendly fluent and natural sounding model definition. See this tutorial for a more detailed introduction into LP with PuLP or this this  comparison of some popular Python LP frameworks . Understanding and debugging the output of an LP solver is non-obvious for casual users. Hence, being able to translate the mathematical model into what looks like natural python code can help to prevent mistakes during model setup. The PuLP framework can interface with different external solver backends out of which the CBC solver is packaged with the PuLP distribution. As input data, we can get time-series data with hour