Switzerland has few natural resources besides mountains. In terms of energy this means a significant potential for electricity production from hydro-power including about 8.8 TWh (ca. 15% of annual demand) of seasonal storage in the form of large artificial lakes behind large dams. Contrary to pumped hydro storage (e.g the Nant de Drance or Linth-Limmern plants ) which is more typically associated with energy storage, conventional stored hydro power stations in the alps can typically accumulate water in an artificial lake from melting snow and rain during spring and summer and can delay generating electricity to whenever needed, typically in the winter. By extending the previous optimization model , we can see the impact of stored hydropower as a source of flexibility and dispatchable power generation on the cost-optimal system configuration: We are assuming a production cost of 70 Euro / MWh for up to 8.8 TWh per year at a namepl...
The decarbonization of our energy usage might be one of the most important engineering challenge of our times. Over the last few years, I have been particularly interested in what it would take to build an electric power system primarily on the basis of wind and solar generation and how much it would cost. Based on reading some papers on the topic and doing some back of the envelope calculations, these is a summary of some observations and conclusions I have come to: The most relevant metric to evaluate the cost efficiency electricity production is the weighted production cost of a combination of technologies which can satisfy a particular load profile at all times. We could call this average system unit production cost or as it has recently been coined in this paper : LCOLC (Levelized Cost of Load Coverage). While the traditional unit production costs (LCOE) can be simply added up, LCOLC requires the use of an LP-solver . For my own calculations, I have mostly assumed a cos...