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Showing posts from December, 2009

Android Log Viewer

One of my latest favorite discoveries in the Android market is aLogcat , a must-have for Android developers and power users, who want to know more about what is going on on the device. It is named after the logcat command which can be run in the debug shell, typically via the adb tool from the Android SDK, which requires the device to be connected to a host PC through a USB cable. aLogcat allows to display a log console on the device itself, color coded by levels with options to filter by levels or arbitrary substrings. By default the console updates continuously with new messages as they appear in the log, but it can also be frozen to allow scrolling back through the log history without interfering screen updates. Since logs can also be sent via email, it subsumes the functionality of earlier log collector apps. Now that the number of devices, configurations and version of Android are exploding, it is less and less likely that a developer can reproduce a particular problem, since t...

Online Backup

Since we recently moved, my current backup system has become some what undone. I have not been able yet, to reactive my linux home-server , since neither its power input nor its TV signal output works in the new environment. But since backing up to an aging piece of low-cost hardware running an obsolete version of an OS, which I also happen to use for experimentation does not leave the kind of warm fuzzy feelings which one typically expects from a backup solution, maybe it was time again to look around for another solution. From a maintainable and reliability point of view, it would be better to store the backups in the cloud, rather than on a single computer in the same room. On the other hand, sending the data out of the room opens up some serious privacy concerns The solutions for online backups on mac are still a bit limited. There are some portable solutions using Amazon's S3 cloud storage service or the very open-protocol based service, which could have supporte...