<- Part I: Takeout Part II: Content Transformation -> Once we the takeout archive has been successfully generated we can download and unarchive/extract it to our local disks. At that point we should find a new directory called Takeout with the Google+ posts being located at the following directory location: Takeout/Google+ Stream/Posts . This posts directory contains 3 types of files: File containing data for each post in JSON format Media files of images or videos uploaded and attached to posts, for example in JPG format Metadata files for each media-file in CSV forma with an additional extensions of .metadata.csv The filenames are generated as part of the takeout archive generation process with the following conventions: the post filenames are structured as a date in YYYYMMDD format followed by a snippet of of the post text or the word "Post" if there is not text. The media filenames seem to be close to the original names of the files when they we...